
In the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the six hundred sixty-first year after the creation of Nebulum, a second son was born to Prince Hifur and Princess Lu’Kan in Atalan, the capital of Tanarad, and the greatest city in the world. It was a birth of small fanfare and little celebration, for the baby boy was small and would grow up, always in the shadow of his elder brother Turok, the one destined to one day take the throne of the Great King as the firstborn of Hifur, the firstborn of Lartha, the firstborn of Shevar, the firstborn of Sigam, the firstborn of the Great King Saflan.

While few celebrated the birth of the tiny boy, the event did not go unnoticed by the ancient Lunari, the beings of light that wrote the many prophecies and influenced the course of the future. Three of them visited Atalan to pronounce their blessings, two males named Ledoch and Kathiv, and a female named Zhethou. “Name him Turos,” they ordered, “for Turos the Tiny will outgrow the shadow of his brother, and Turos the Tiny will one day be called Turos the Mighty.”

And so Turos grew, ever aspiring to outshine his brother, Turok the Elder. They competed in racing and riding. They battled with swords and spears. They struggled and grappled and wrestled each other and even when coming out on top, Turos still remained second to his brother in the eyes of the world. Even the wise men hired to tutor the brothers kept the elder brother as the focus of their attentions, teaching Turok to rule and Turos to submit, for never would there be two Great Kings.

Despite the insignificance of his position and the struggle for recognition, Turos never despaired and always bestowed unto Turok the honors and courtesies of court, as required by custom. And so the two boys grew to be men, close friends, and relied on each other for counsel when the words of advisors were unsure. And so they adventured, hunted, and fought in battle together, always comrades, always competing.

The Prince and Princess, Hifur and Lu’Kan rejoiced in the mutual affections of their sons, but never forgot the cryptic words of the Lunari and wondered about their meaning. “Name him Turos, for Turos the Tiny will outgrow the shadow of his brother, and Turos the Tiny will one day be called Turos the Mighty!”